Electrical Engineer Jokes One Liners. Shortly before we got married, she asked me, “do you think it’s really a good idea to marry two electrical engineers?” my response: Three engineering students were out drinking one night and determined that god must be an engineer, because of the design of the human body.

Electrical Engineer Cartoons and Comics funny pictures
Electrical Engineer Cartoons and Comics funny pictures from www.cartoonstock.com

Funny electrician quotes and jokes always increase the current within you whenever you hear them. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality. 9) two atoms are walking down the street, and one says to the other, “wait, wait, we have to go back.

One Day, A Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Chemical Engineer And Computer Engineer Were Driving Down The Street In The Same Car.

What's the difference between doctors and engineers? One said, it was a mechanical engineer. Three engineering students were out drinking one night and determined that god must be an engineer, because of the design of the human body.

It Is An Electrical Problem.

Hey guys, i have an idea how about we all get out of the car and get back in. Look at the nervous system! The nervous systems many thousands of electrical connections. the last said, actually it was a civil engineer.

Engineer Jokes << We Have Over 150 Categories Of Jokes On Our Main Page!

Chaar saal lagte hai insaan ko engineer banne. She went out shopping and still hasn’t returned. Some of these jokes are so bad they are good!

He Leaned In And Shouted, “Hey, I’m A Big Fan!” See Related:

It's all electrical impulses. nonsense, says the me. Who was an electrical engineer, said, no, no ,no. He was a mechanical engineer.

As Always, They Come With No Guarantee Of Hilarity Or Originality.

Obviously, if you are an electrician or an engineer, you will understand this electrician one liner joke very well indeed. An electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, and a civil engineer are discussing the nature of god. We’ve got some great one liners to start with and some story led jokes to finish, there should be something for everyone, and guaranteed to get you a laugh.

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